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The Biggest Difference Between Bingo and Lottery Games


If you’re looking to blow off a little steam, how about a fun game of bingo slot thailand or lottery online? Both games are about betting on numbers and relying on odds, however playing bingo at an online casino offers more favorable odds than playing the lottery. You can also enjoy an exciting digital gaming experience that adds to the stimulation of live and face-to-face bingo.

Bingo and Lottery

Playing the lottery is very simple: You buy a ticket with a unique serial number (usually six numbers) and if the winning numbers match yours, you will win a prize. The more matching numbers you have, the bigger the prize. There are also prizes for matching fewer numbers, for example matching four or five digits. With bingo, you buy a card that contains random numbers.

The game host chooses random numbers one by one and players then cancel the numbers off their cards. Players win when all their numbers are canceled or crossed out or when they have completed a line. So what are the main differences between bingo and lottery? Here are some of them.

Always a Winner

With bingo, balls continue to be drawn until a winner is found, whereas lotteries require a live game for a winner to be declared. With lotteries, it’s possible that no one takes home the jackpot.

Number Selection

In Bingo, players are not allowed to choose numbers, bingo cards already have numbers, printed or randomly generated for online play. But in lottery, a player can select the numbers of his choice before making a purchase. This allows players to choose their lucky numbers and also select combinations.

The Players and the Prizes

While there are many players who play Bingo, the number is very small compared to the number of players who participate in the national lottery. The size of the prizes also varies. The amounts offered in national lotteries are much higher compared to Bingo games. Also, there is only one national lottery whereas there are many Bingo games played across the country.


Another difference is that Bingo is played until someone wins. As long as numbers are called, someone will win and the game ends when there is a winner. But with online lotteries, the game ends once the winning number combination is announced. There is a possibility that no one can win the jackpot prize if the winning numbers do not match anyone’s ticket.

What Are The Biggest Differences Between Bingo and Lottery Games?


There is no venue for playing the lottery. Bingo, however, has two options. You can choose a traditional hall where bingo is usually held or, more interestingly, an online or virtual bingo hall. Now you can play the best of online bingo without leaving the ease and comfort of your own home. Like any other entertainment, virtual bingo has its own lingo and many people make many situs togel online friends through the chat function where players can interact with each other. Online bingo games often use random number generator (RNG) software to draw the balls, which ensures that the game is fair.


Odds are at the heart of both games. However, the odds of winning the national lottery are very low so there are so many players and so few prizes. There is also a chance that no one wins the big jackpot. Those playing online bingo can calculate their odds of winning by knowing how many players there are and how many cards each player has.

For example, if there are 100 cards in an online bingo game and you’ve bought five cards, then your chances of winning are 5% (or five in 100.) Either way, both games offer a great opportunity to have fun and see what luck awaits you. But where did these games come from?

What is the History of Bingo and Lotteries?

Did you know that bingo existed long before the Beatles, the Roaring Twenties, or even the Victorian era? We need to go back even further, to the 16th century and a game called ‘La Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia’. The name may roughly translate to ‘Italian lottery’, but the game itself is almost identical to today’s 90-ball bingo. In the 18th century, the game moved to France, where the name was shortened to Le Lotto. By the 19th century, bingo had become popular in England and Germany.

But it was England that took the game to the next level. During the 20th century, bingo halls started popping up all over the country, particularly in London’s East End.  The history of lotteries can be traced back to the Han Dynasty of China between 205 and 187 BC. These lotteries are thought to have helped major government projects such as the Great Wall of China.

In the 15th century, the northern European regions of Burgundy and Flanders began selling lottery tickets with cash prizes. The funds raised were used to help the poor or strengthen defenses. In England, Queen Elizabeth I held a public lottery in 1566 to help with harbor improvements and other public projects. Togel certainly has a long and interesting history.

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